Wednesday, September 21, 2011

So after a ton of research on the medical end (thanks to Jen, my future sister in law who recently got her PA license and gave me tons of info on heart defects,) as well as research on writing in general, I've begun to get serious with the novel. So far I have a bout 6,000 words and it's very raw. I have certain specific scenes blooming in my mind, waiting to come out, only I know from experience, that if I write them down before they happen sequentially on the writing, they will be very different form what was originally imagined. So, I'll wait. For now, I'm still trying to figure out my female lead's name. Isn't that the hardest part? A name means everything. If it's too strong, she will be perceived as a bitch. Too weak, she will be looked at as a doormat. Too quirky? She's a hippy/ freak.

I will continue to search for the perfect fit for my herione. I love the name Abria, a recent discovery of the pen name of a favorite author of mine. Maybe that will fit.
It has to hit me.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I've had this blog address for about a year and this is my first post. I set this up because I wanted a place to vent, rant, muse, entertain, and share my journey to becoming a published writer.
Somehow, I feel like it's going to be a long one. But it's worth it.